We decided to go camping with some friends of ours who go camping all the time. This was our first time as a family roughing it in a tent in the woods! We were pretty excited. Right before we left, my friend asked if we were ok with driving on a dirt road. We didn't realize what we were getting ourselves into. It was a little worse than just a dirt road. It took an hour driving 3mph over big rocks and near cliffs which really scared Destiny. She made it though, she just had to keep her eyes closed. Here's a picture of the road but it was actually a lot worse than the picture shows.

We finally got to the spot and it was really beautiful. The ground was really wet but still pretty.

We tried doing a little fishing but didn't have any luck. So we had a back up plan.

The kids had a blast. Maddie had fun getting dirty. And they liked being able to run around and be loud.

The next morning we got up and thought we would try fishing again. I got lucky and caught one on my first cast. The kids thought it was pretty cool.

Then as we were packing things up so we could go on a hike and go to a lake to do some more fishing, Lyndon fell into the camp fire! He was running with Becca and tripped over a rock and his left knee fell onto red hot coals. It was pretty bad. There was a clean stream that we camped next to so we raced him over to the stream and got him in. Cold water really isn't the best on a burn but it's all we had.

Lyndon was really tough as we pulled some of the burned skin off his leg. We decided to pass on the hike and get Lyndon home. By the time we got out of AF Canyon his pain was gone. His knee still looks pretty nasty but it hasn't slowed him down much. He is still running around. When we got home and looked at our car we couldn't believe how dirty it was. We said never again would we take our car on this "dirt road."

Overall we had fun. When I asked Lyndon that night if he had fun he said he had so much fun and wants to do it again. Maybe just a different spot with a little bit better fire pit though.
- Posted from my iPhone