Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sonogram | Madelyn Elyse

This morning we woke up bright and early to 'take pictures of Madelyn' before Gordon went to work so we could all be there. Believe it or not Lyndon really does get that there is a baby in my belly. He is going to be a wonderful big brother.
She was very photogenic. We got to see her move around A LOT, and even swallow and suck! It was the cutest sonogram I have ever seen.


Summer said...

so its a girl for sure? yay!!! lyndon will be such a good big brother! i wish we were there & congrats!!

Jen Demaris said...

That was a really good sonogram pic! I am really suprised at the detail! I am so excited for you! And you have a name? Madelyn? I like it!

Unknown said...

I googled the name Madelyn Elyse today to see what came up as it is my 10 month old daughters name.....nice to see another little girl out there is going to be blessed with such a beautiful name! Congrats!

-Kelly & Madelyn Elyse Murphy